The Momentum Cycle™

The Momentum Cycle™ by Vincent Gan, Singapore


The Momentum Cycle is a framework developed by Vincent to codify the recommended considerations for a leader during a team's growth. Though this framework was developed primarily for his own use as an Executive Director in the Financial Services industry, it can be easily adopted for other industries and situations. This framework was first introduced at the Great Eastern Life (Malaysia) MDRT Seminar on 6 Feb 2018. 

The 7 considerations

  1. Know your PURPOSE
    Everything begins with a clear purpose. The purpose of financial advisors is to help our clients achieve clarity, confidence and comfort. We do so through effective engagement, continuous empowerment and efficient execution of the decisions collectively made.
  2. Take ACTION immediately
    Once purpose is established, we need to act immediately. We may never have all the right information, but inaction or procrastination is often costly.
  3. Ask for FEEDBACK
    Actions will lead to results. Hence, we should constantly seek feedback to learn if we are making the right moves or otherwise. Continuous learning will not only help us improve our decision-making abilities but also help keep our clients on track for their financial goals. 
  4. FOCUS on your strength
    Consistent feedback will provide better clarify where one’s strengths and shortcomings are. This allows the advisors to allocate more resources to build on their capabilities to deliver the best and perhaps unique client experience.
  5. DELEGATE the distractions
    Once we begin to focus, it will undoubtedly take some of our attention away from the daily grind. This is where we need to delegate our responsibilities—to continue to efficiently serve our clients well while improving on our work abilities.
  6. COLLABORATE with others
    The impact of focus and delegation means that we can only specialise into a smaller scope of work capability. Through collaboration, we can improve overall effectiveness by combining our specialisation with other professionals. 
  7. SYSTEMISE your routine
    With improving efficiency and effectiveness, we are left to create consistency in our service delivery. This can be achieved through an algorithm that combines all our routines into a robust system. 

3 notes regarding this framework

  1. This framework is cumulative, diagnostic and prescriptive
  2. Cumulatively, each clockwise movement accumulates momentum for your work progress.
  3. To diagnose, we move counter-clockwise to find the cause of the matter. For example, the lack of focus is likely due to the absence of good consistent feedback.  
  4. Once we realise the causation, we can go one more consideration counter-clockwise to find the prescribed solution. Continuing the example from above, the root problem of a lack of focus is a lack of activity. An improvement in activity will create enough feedback to build focus!